Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Progress slow, maybe done by next winter?

My ripple's coming along, but it's turning out huge! I wanted that, because it's for my tall dh and ds to fight over for a couch blankie, but each row seems to take a long time. I'll get it done, but since winter's about over here in South Florida, I'm going to aim for next fall for a completion date. If I get it done sooner, yay for me. Meanwhile, it's big enough to cover me up while I'm working on it, unless one of our cats decides to take a nap on it at the same time.


Ghost said...

I love the rich warm browns.

Jen said...

Awwww... I love the browns too! I'm gonna have to make me a brown one, one of these days :)

Christy said...

Very nice colors--and adorable kitty!

Zazzu said...

Such a pretty afghan! Of course, the cat owns it now. Hope kitty lets your hubby use it sometimes. :)