Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Soft Waves Ripple

I am working on a Soft Waves Ripple baby ghan for my neighbor across the street. She just had baby #9 3 weeks ago. He's just a precious little thing. Okay, not so little at 9lbs. LOL

I'm half finished with it and will hopefully finish it up by the end of this weekend.


Dutch Rippel-along...

I stardet last month with an rippled afghan too... The first ever! I live in the Netherlands, and rippled afghans are not common overhere, so I never had seen one. But at the internet, I suddenly found some and fell in love with them...
So I stardet with a white and green one. I must admit, the beginline is too small, but it is growing and looks nice...

And, when my sister gave me a bag full of yarn...I had to make a seccond one.

After one week ...

And now, after two weeks. It is going to be a blanket for our youngest, who likes to take naps on the sofa. I must admit that this is realy addicting...

Have a nice ripple-day! Mama Lieveheersbeestje.