Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday Pleasure

Sunday Pleasure for a 30 something year old wife and mother is a good old pedicure and a little rippling along with it.

My fellow ripple friends, I'm still working on my skirt. I would have to say this is the most relaxing crochet project I've ever worked on, not that I have crochet a whole lot but there is something about the repetitive waves of bright color that makes it all very therapeutic.

Have a great week everyone! Cheers!


Jenni-Raie said...

i must say that is a beautiful photo!

and also, the colours you've chosen remind me of... abalones! don't ask...

Anonymous said...

very nice. I love the way your colors look together.

N. said...

This is lovely! And what a way to spend a Sunday. :)