I am going to point out the glaringly obvious (at least, to my eyes). I use a substandard, Photoshop rip-off of a photo editing program. Hey, it was $20. You know? Anyway, I like the blurry-around-the-edges look, but sometimes it doesn't come across so subtley. Forgive me. ;-)
I haven't measured Tsunami yet, but it is BIG. Due to the fact that it seems to be wider than it is long, though, I decided to put it on my bed with the stripes going vertically. Hey, it works for me. It reaches the floor on all three relevant sides, and comes up to the top of the bed quite nicely. It's almost as though I planned it that way. ;-)
I suppose this is me signing off for now. I have other projects waiting for me, so ripple afghans are taking a back seat for a while. Not that it isn't addictive, and lovely, and so right in so many ways. Maybe I'll be back. :-) Happy rippling in the mean time, everyone.
--Love, Deb