Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Oh lovies, I'm one sad, sorry Head Ripple Mistress.

I had FINALLY gotten back to my round ripple. Just cruising along. Loving the yarn. (Fantasy Naturale mercerized cotton.) Loving my hook. (Back to my cool Boye aluminum I after a winter of warm bamboo.) Loving the wavy ripple Michelle made for me. (Go see.)

Came to face the fact that I'll be needing another hank of each of the blues to do what I imagine. Not a big deal. It's like $5 a hank. Will have to wait until after vacation though. Before I zipped it back in to it's bag to wait it out, I spread it out to snap a few pics to share.

Or I tried to.

Can you believe it? My ripple rumpled. I haven't had this happen before, but I must not be increasing fast enough. I've been working increases every-other row because it seemed like it was increasing too fast, but now I seem to have the opposite problemo.

I don't believe I'm going to have to rip another ripple. I think I'm ripple-cursed. Some HRM I turned out to be!


Ann said...

Well, the colors are beautiful, if that's any consolation. Maybe you can think of this as a "learning experience". Or a test of your strength of character. something like that!

Leah said...

Yes, I just love the way the colors so subtly blend...maybe you can stretch the heck out of it on all sides? Maybe not...I also just had to rip a beloved project...

MikKnits said...

I'm so sorry this happened Dawn. I've been increasing the peaks like this: 3dc, 3dc first row, 3dc, 3dc second row, 2dc, 2dc third row and have had no problem laying flat. I'll post pictures this evening after I finish this next color change. It's still beautiful and I hope you don't plan to scrap the whole project!
