Another ripple in the works. All wool this time (unlike the last one which was all cotton), and in bright rainbow colours. I tried for a random colour placememt, but last night just had to frog it. I have learnt enough about myself to know that random is not my friend. A gentle graduated change between colours is, however, the way to my heart.

Let's hope this one is a little quicker than the last!
Can hardly wait to see your new selection.
~ Peace
The last one is gorgeous! Can't wait to see the new one progressing!
I love the color progression. Can you tell us what brand of yarn you're using? I want to swim in those colors!
Your colours are delicious! =]
I could just stare forever at those colors!
I am a BIG sucker for rainbows, especially the nice graduated kind! (If you take a peek at my journal a ways back you'll see what I mean).
Those colours are to drool over! Please post more pictures as you progress! I'd love to watch it come to life.
You ripped all of that? Jeez, you're patient and what gorgeous colours too!
I love it!!
Yarn AND Food! We have a lot in common!
Kindest regards,
Shirley I. (BeadBag)
beautiful,but may I ask what frog means? The only one I know is fully rely on God.
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