Saturday, March 3, 2007

Rippling on the Knitting Cook

Hey all you ripple addicts, a quick note from the Ripple Mistress. I PROMISE to update my progess this weekend sometime, but honestly all this snow is just too much fun to miss and is taking up monster amounts of time. The few minutes I have I've spent sending out invites to wanna-joiners. (and if you're one of them, I apologize for not sending personalized notes, but we've got some major snow cave/tunnel construction going on and I'm a tad obsessive about it...will pop you a note later...I PROMISE!)

I did want to give you a heads up to take a listen to the episode of The Knitting Cook coming out this next week. Faith is going to give us a shout out!

...and I hear tell you can find us on Craftzine too, though I haven't had time to go over and poke cool is that?!?!? The power of the ripple is spreading ever outward!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow -- they all look so fantastic, everyone!